Whooping Cough In Infants And Adults: A Comprehensive Guide To Symptoms And Treatment2024

Whooping cough symptoms



Whooping cough which is medically named “pertussis”, is a highly contagious and infectious respiratory tract disease. In many individuals, is characterized by severe coughing episodes and a sharp inhalation sound resembling “whoop”. pertussis is a disease that all ages could get infected with but mainly has a high risk to children and infants. Infants are the most likely to die because of this disease, although such deaths are uncommon.

Whooping cough

What is whooping cough?

The disease is caused by a gram +ve aerobic bacilli bacteria called  Bordetella Pertussis, the disease could be transmitted from one infected person to another by coughs or sneezes, the released tiny droplets containing germs move in the air and become a source of infection to surrounding people. variable toxins are released by this bacteria, pertussis toxin is one of them, making the disease more dangerous and impacting the immune system.

Whooping cough symptoms

symptoms usually take 7-10 days after exposure to infection to appear. However, symptom expression may take place from 4 days up to 3 weeks.

Infected people with pertussis pass through three stages, and the stage of the disease makes variation in the symptoms. The three stages are:

▪  Catarrhal Stage: occurs at the first 1 to 2 weeks of infection, and the expressed symptoms at this stage resemble the symptoms of a common cold. Symptoms vary from congested runny nose and slight cough to mild fever. During this stage, the disease is very infectious and contagious.

▪ Paroxysmal Stage: coming after the catarrhal stage, lasts for one week to a month or even longer. Thick mucus collects in the lungs and airways leading to heavy prolonged coughing episodes with a whoops sound ”gasping breath” in between coughing, the thick mucus may induce vomiting and cause gastritis. Other symptoms appear like; red or even blue face and weakness.

Convalescent Stage: the last stage of disease can prolong to several weeks to months. In this stage Coughing severity, intensity and frequency gradually decrease.

How dangerous could whooping cough be?

Infants younger than 6 months experience some serious complications if neglected for long time. The most common complications seen; “pneumonia” lung infection, “media otitis” which means middle ear infection, loss of appetite, “insomnia” lack of sleep, dehydration, and huge weight loss because of the difficulty of feeding, seizures may seen in neglected cases, “encephalopathy” that means a change in brain function, “apnea” breathing stops for short time, and death if the case doesn’t get any emergency care from professionals.

Other complications that may appear after continuous prolonged coughing are; wounded ribs, hernia, and urinary incontinence.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough in adults

pertussis was first thought to be a disease that infects infants and children mainly, but many researches show that adults could get the infection too. Symptoms of disease in adults are very similar to those in children.

Pertussis vaccination is so essential for adults at high risk of infection as; pregnant women, asthmatic adults, and COPD patients.

How to diagnose whooping cough “pertussis”

The healthcare providers make the needed physical examination and ask about the existing symptoms but still, it’s difficult to diagnose the disease by symptoms and medical history only.

 At the laboratory, the technician collects a mucus sample using a cotton swab from the nostril and nasopharynx. Also can get the sample by rinsing nostrils and throat using a saline solution filled in a syringe. Both are used to check the presence of bacteria.

Blood tests could be conducted to notice the increased WBCs that indicate the presence of infection but not specific to Bordetella Pertussis.

Is whooping cough contagious?

pertussis is considered very contagious. It spreads by secretions released from an infected person to another by air droplets after coughing and sneezing. as mentioned before, the disease is highly contagious in the first stage “catarrhal stage”.

Starting antibiotics within 2 weeks of cough onset decreases the duration of contagiousness.

Whooping cough vaccine

Vaccination is the best way to get protection against pertussis infection. The DTaP vaccine provides immunization against both diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Doctors suggest starting the vaccination given in early age.

To ensure complete disease immunization, the doses should be taken at strict timing. Dose first given are for 2 months, 4 months, and 6 months, with at least 4-8 weeks between each dose. Booster doses are given at 15 through 18 months and 4 through 6 years.

A pregnant woman is vaccinated within the fifth month of pregnancy.

Childcare workers, healthcare workers, and overseas travelers who didn’t get booster dosage of vaccine in the last 10 years.

Whooping cough outbreak

Recently outbreaks of pertussis that took place in the world, especially in the USA, have initiated worries about public health awareness. In 2023, several places noticed a markable increase in diseased cases due to irregular vaccination and misinformation about the safety of the DTaP vaccine. The outbreaks increased the need to support group immunity through vaccinations.

 WHO and public health play a crucial role in educating societies about the importance of vaccination. also, it is important to carry out regular surveys and set emergency plans in outbreak areas to control the spread of diseases and protect high-risk communities.

Whooping cough treatment

Infants and children are usually administered to the hospital for intensive care as the complications and symptoms of the disease at this age are severe and dangerous.

If the infant can’t eat or drink or does not stop vomiting, intravenous solutions and fluids are needed. The child will get isolated from others in order to avoid the spread of the infection to surrounding weak-immunity patients and healthcare providers.

Antibiotics are used to prevent or treat pertussis. The most used antibiotics are azithromycin, erythromycin, and clarithromycin.

The treatment of pertussis in hospitals is based on:

  • Making sure airways are open and unobstructed.
  • Monitoring vital signs like respiratory rate and oxygen administration as needed.
  • Administering i/v fluids to prevent or treat dehydration.

For complete recovery from infection follow the healthcare provider’s instructions precisely when taking antibiotics and prescribed medications.

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