Best Plan For Serratia Marcescens Urinary Tract Infection Treatment 2024




Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment varies from one patient to another according to infection severity to detect the proper treatment.

-Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment mainly depends on antibiotics.

-Many people sometimes notice a slimy pink substance that is found in moist areas all over their homes such as surfaces in shower stalls, toilet bowls, sinks, tiles, or pet water dishes.

-The common cause of this slimy pink substance is a bacteria which is known as Serratia marcescens.

-This bacteria can be found in many places such as dust, soil, moist areas, and in animal and human feces.

-The moist area that contains fatty substances or phosphorus-containing materials represents a good environment for bacteria growth.

-These substances can be found in soap residues, feces in toilets, or in pet water dishes that contain food and soap residues.

-Other people have pointed out that Serratia marcescens appears during the year when their windows are open most of the day.

-These airborne Serratia marcescens can come from any natural sources, and the situation can be exacerbated further if people dechlorinate their water with carbon filters.

-In recent years, the system of home water filtration has a great popularity which has increased dramatically, and Serratia marcescens has appeared more frequently in homes that resort to removing chlorine disinfection from their water supply.

-Serratia marcescens can’t survive in chlorinated drinking water.

-Serratia marcescens can also grow in tap water places for example, the toilet of the guest bathroom where the water has been left out for a long time enough for residual chlorine disinfectant to dissipate.

-Now we come to the main point of the article, continue reading to know more about Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment and its types.


Serratia marcescens is a gram-negative bacteria which is a rod-shaped species.

-Serratia marcescens is naturally resistant to many antibiotics as first-generation cephalosporins, macrolides, and ampicillin.

-Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment is a combination of aminoglycoside with antipseudomonal beta-lactam.

-Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment should be based on the susceptibility testing results as multiresistant strains are very common.


Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment includes:


  • Cefepime is a fourth-generation cephalosporin.
  • It penetrates gram-negative cells of the bacteria rapidly as it is a zwitter ion.
  • Cefepime is the best beta-lactam for intramuscular injection.


  • Ertapenem has a bactericidal activity as it can inhibit the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall.
  • This bactericidal activity results from the binding of ertapenem to penicillin-binding proteins.


  • Amikacin is a preferred aminoglycoside.
  • It can be used for Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment in combination with antipseudomonal beta-lactams.
  • Amikacin binds irreversibly to 30s bacterial ribosome subunits.
  • It can block the recognition step which happens during protein synthesis.
  • It inhibits bacterial growth.


  • Azteronam is a monobactam that can inhibit cell wall synthesis.
  • It can be used with amikacin in combination.


It is the best Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment as it is a bactericidal broad-spectrum carbapenem that inhibits cell wall synthesis.


This combination of antipseudomonal penicillin with beta-lactamase inhibitor can be used for Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment as it inhibits cell wall mucopeptide biosynthesis.


This combination is used for Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment as it has shown a great effect when it is used against Enterobacteriaceae with AmpC beta-lactamases.


Ceftolozane/Tazobactam can be used in combination for Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment as it can inhibit cell wall synthesis of the bacteria.


It is another choice for Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment as this combination can kill the bacteria as it inhibits tetrahydrofolic acid.


This combination which consists of antipseudomonal penicillin with beta-lactamase inhibitor can inhibit cell wall mucopeptide biosynthesis.

Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment

How can Serratia marcescens get into the urinary tract system?

The infection of the urinary system due to Serratia marcescens can happen due to the following factors:

  • Intensive Care Unit exposure
  • Antibiotics treatment
  • Indwelling bladder catheter
  • Devices that are used for the measurement of urine volume and specific gravity
  • Direct contact with infected people


What are the symptoms of Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection?

To get the best Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment plan, you should know the symptoms of this infection to tell your health provider.

-These symptoms are:

  • Frequent urination
  • Pyuria(pus in your pee)
  • Dysuria(painful urination)
  • Pain upon urination
  • Fever
  • White blood cells exist in urine

Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment

Diagnosis of Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection

-The physicians can detect the proper Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment after reviewing the medical tests of Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection patients.

-Diagnosis of Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection is determined by:

1-Patient history

2-Physical examination

3-Blood tests:

  • CBC
  • Serum biochemistry as for glucose, creatinine, and urea

4-Bacterial cultures

5-Cerebrospinal fluid tests

6-Imaging tests:

  • Ultrasound
  • X-ray
  • CT scan(computerized tomography)
  • MRI scan(Magnetic resonance imaging)

Some frequent questions asked by people

Pineapple juice for urinary tract infection

-Pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties as pineapple has a bromelain enzyme.

Bromelain enzyme can reduce urinary tract infection symptoms effectively and quickly and it also can promote antibiotic effectiveness.

-Taking one cup of pineapple daily can cure urinary tract infections.

-Also, fresh pineapple juice is better than canned one to avoid preservatives and too much sugar.


Smoothie for urinary tract infection

-Prevention of urinary tract infection is important to avoid the annoying symptoms that happen if you get the infection.

-Smoothies are one of the best choices for prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections.

-Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, and other types of berries can protect the urinary tract from infection and promote its health.

-So, to be able to get the largest amount of these berries is through smoothies.

-There are many types of smoothies such as:

1-Raspberry-blueberry smoothie:

2-Cranberry-cherry smoothie:

  • Cranberry juice
  • Cherries
  • Ice cubes

3-Prevention smoothie:

  • Cranberries
  • Filtered water
  • Banana
  • Ice cubes

4-Immunity booster smoothie:

  • Pineapple
  • Cranberries
  • Blueberries
  • Banana
  • Water


Tart cherry juice for urinary tract infection

-Till now, there is no evidence that cherry products can be helpful in urinary tract infection prevention.

-The main course of urinary tract infection starts with antibiotics to kill the bacteria with some NASID as pain relievers.

-The doctor may describe drinking fluids to keep the body more hydrated and to flush out the bacteria.

-We can consider tart cherry juice as one of these fluids especially since it isn’t known that tart cherry juice can irritate the bladder.


Chinese soup for urinary tract infection

-In Chinese culture, many types of soups are very important for your health.

-Chinese herbal soups have many benefits such as detoxing, strengthening the immune system, and hormone balance.

Urinary tract infection end of life

-If a urinary tract infection is left untreated, it can lead to life-threatening urosepsis.

-Urosepsis needs a medical emergency to provide the proper treatment as it can lead to organ failure, tissue damage, or even death.

Urosepsis happens due to the entry of bacteria to the lower urinary tract and then spreading to the rest of the urinary system, Then the bacteria multiply and the immune system can’t fight the bacteria.

-The symptoms of urosepsis:

  • Difficult breathing
  • Rapid heart rate(tachycardia)
  • Low blood pressure
  • High respiratory rate

-Treatment of urosepsis:

1-The first treatment line is antibiotics which are given IV to get faster into the bloodstream

2-The second line is IV fluids for low blood pressure.

3-If IV fluids don’t give the desired results, you may need some medications such as Vasopressin.

4-Corticosteroids will be effective if Vasopreesin can’t adjust blood pressure.

5-Some people may need oxygen supplements.


Can prednisone cause urinary tract infection?

-Prednisone is one of the corticosteroid drugs.

-Prednisone is converted in the liver to prednisolone(active form).

Prednisone is used for increasing levels of corticosteroids in the body as corticosteroids are important for regulating metabolic and inflammation functions in your body.

-Low levels of corticosteroids increase inflammation risk.

-The long-term use of prednisone can develop the risk of urinary tract infection so it is important to follow the physician’s instructions about prednisone dosage.

-Long-term use of prednisone causes an increase in blood pressure and a decrease in urine amount and that can lead to an increase in the frequency of urination.

-Prednisone reduces the body’s ability to reabsorb water and that causes frequent urination.

-Long-term use can cause an increase in uric acid amount in urine and that surely increases the risk of kidney stone formation.

-Prednisone also increases levels of glucose in urine which results in an increased risk of UTI.



-Urinary tract infection is one of the most common problems that bother many people and causes them many disturbing symptoms. -This infection may occur due to a type of bacteria called Serratia marcescens.

-Prevention of Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection depends mainly on bathroom hygiene and personal hygiene.

-Serratia marcescens urinary tract infection treatment is based on antibiotics so it is important to follow up with your health provider to get the proper dosages.


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