Rabies Vaccine For Cats: A Simple Step That Could Save Lives 2024

 Rabies Vaccine Schedule for cats



Rabies vaccine for cats

Rabies is a fatal viral disease, it spreads to people and pets, but it is also a preventable disease by vaccination. In this article we will discuss some information about the rabies vaccine for cats.

 What is the rabies virus? 

Rabies is an Infectious virus that can be spread to people and also pets. The common route of infection is through the bites and scratches of an infected animal.

 It affects primarily the central nervous system, causing severe brain disease and death, so it is critical to give the animal medical care before symptoms start.

 Can cats get rabies?

 Rabies virus can infect all warm blooded-animals, including cats and people, but In reality, there are no records about cat-to-cat rabies transmission.

And also there is no specific feline strain of rabies known. Despite that, cats are the most commonly rabid domestic animal reported in the United States. 

 The rabies virus presents in the rabid cat’s saliva, and the cases reported in cats have outnumbered the cases in dogs every year.

The symptoms and signs of the rabies virus include:

  • Severe change in behavior suddenly.
  • Loss of appetite, irritability, hyperexcitability, and nervousness.
  •  paralysis that gets worse as time passes. 
  • Seizures. 
  • Drooling, difficulty swallowing, and foaming at the mouth.

It must be mentioned that once the symptoms of rabies are present, there is no cure for rabies available. 

But no need to worry. You must be aware that infection with the rabies virus can be avoided by using the rabies vaccine for cats.

And also, if the vet administers the vaccine to the cat immediately after biting before the symptoms manifest, that helps it from contracting rabies.

Rabies vaccine for cats

Rabies Vaccine for cats 

Rabies vaccination for cats is critical for the owner’s safety as well as the cat. 

It is very effective and is usually given to kittens at three to four months of age, it is safe and there is no risk of the vaccine causing rabies.

There are 2 types of rabies vaccine for cats, they are:


An effective rabies vaccine for cats and dogs protects against rabies for 3 years. 


The vaccine protects against rabies in cats and dogs, and the immunity lasts  at least 1 year after repeating doses. 

 Rabies Vaccine Schedule for cats

 The rabies vaccination schedule varies in cats, depending on the brand of vaccine used. 

Most vets offer vaccines without adjuvants, the ingredients that proved effective in preventing rabies, but in some cats, it caused an allergic reaction.

The vaccines without adjuvants may be more expensive than vaccines with adjuvants, although they are just as effective at preventing rabies, but with adjuvants have a higher potential for causing rare side effects. 

The immunity duration of older non-adjuvant vaccines only lasted for a year, and so yearly booster shots were required.

 But the newer vaccines have been developed to require a single booster only a year after the first vaccination, followed by boosters every three years after that. 

 You can ask your vet “How often should your cat have a rabies vaccine?” he will tell you about what vaccination options he offers and what schedule is suitable for your cat.

Cats can begin their vaccination for rabies at 12 weeks old. If you haven’t already, you can schedule your cat for all its routine vaccinations and other preventative care at our clinic. 

Cat Reaction to Rabies Vaccine

Cat owners always have concerns about if the cat rabies vaccine has side effects.

But don’t wary side effects of rabies vaccine for cats are rare, and typically include only: 

  • Slight fever. 
  • Lethargy. 
  • Decreased appetite. 
  •  A localized swelling at the vaccine site.

In some excessively rare cases, a cat may have an allergic reaction to the rabies vaccine, appearing as hives, unexplained collapse, and extreme weakness.

  It must be known that fewer than 0.001% of cats will have these allergic side effects to the modern rabies vaccines.  

Also it is always safer to get your cat vaccinated against rabies than to test one’s luck against potential infection in the future.

 Rabies Vaccination for Indoor Cats 

Most cat owners believe that if their cat is an indoor cat, vaccination against rabies is unnecessary, but this is not the case.  

The consequences of rabies infection are too serious to take any chances with, and the best and only way to ensure that your cat is completely protected against rabies infection is vaccination.  

 Costs of rabies vaccine for cats 

The cost of cat rabies vaccination varies tremendously among different veterinarians, based on what type of vaccine they use.

Of course, the longer-lasting vaccines, and also the vaccines with a smaller number of potential side effects, are much more expensive. 

You will need to ask your vet about which rabies vaccine they provide, and its cost.  

Your veterinarian will help you and guide you on what vaccination plan is right for your cat’s health, as well as your own personal budget.

Risk of Passing Rabies to People

Most people ask about how if they will be bitten by any domestic animal and they are afraid that the animal is infected by the rabies virus. 

Any healthy domestic dog or cat, whether vaccinated or not, bites a person or deposits its saliva into a fresh wound. 

The person should be confined for 10 days for observation, If the animal develops signs within those 10 days, it should immediately be euthanized and submitted for testing.

 In case the animal responsible for the exposure is stray or unwanted, it should be euthanized and submitted for testing immediately.

It should be known that rabies vaccination is strongly recommended for all people in high-risk groups, such as veterinary staff, diagnostic laboratory workers, animal control officers, and travelers working in countries where canine rabies is common. 

The treatment of healthy, unvaccinated people bitten by a rabid animal, consists of:

  •  Wound care. 
  • Local injection of rabies antibodies into the wound. 
  • Several doses of vaccine over a 2-week period.

Actually, When provided the modern post exposure treatment in a timely and appropriate manner, that assures human survival.  

In conclusion, the rabies vaccine for cats is critical for not only the cat itself, but also for the owner and other people. 

As they can get rabies from infected cats through a bite or through getting the infected saliva into an open wound. 

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