How To Heal A Cut On Your Gums | Best Steps To Do This 2024

How to heal a cut on your gums with a few steps



A cut in the gums is very likely, so when it happens, you must be fully aware of how to heal a cut on your gums so that the matter can be treated correctly.

-Everyone is exposed to any injuries to any part of the body, even if they are breaks, cuts, or bruises, but the mouth injury is particularly scary, so you need to know how to handle any dental emergency such as gum cuts.

-Gum cuts can happen more than you might imagine; for example, you may spear the palate on the pointy end of a Dorito, or you may suffer from the bothersome experience of jamming the toothbrush accidentally into the gums while you are brushing a bit too vigorously.

-Gums are very soft and sensitive tissues in the mouth that can suffer cuts easily and become lacerated due to their fragile nature.

-Gums also bleed easily, and you may not be alarmed when the tiniest abrasion causes gums to bleed.

-The gum area has a high supply of many blood vessels, and therefore, any cut, no matter how small, leads to the release of a large amount of blood, but it is not as large as you think because it is a mixture of saliva and blood.

-Knowing how to heal a cut on your gums is crucial as it can help quicken healing and prevent further infection to avoid any tooth damage.

-Read this article to know how to deal a cut on your gums correctly and what are the causes that lead to gum cuts.

How to heal a cut on your gums

How to heal a cut on your gums and what the causes are

The causes of gum cuts

-For sure, you may have experienced injuries outside your mouth, but you may suffer from injuries inside your mouth as gums cuts that happen due to several causes such as:

● A fall

● A sport injury 

● Using sharp objects inside your mouth

● Using toothpicks

● using hard-bristled toothbrushes

● Dental floss

● Sharp foods such as chips

● Aggressive brushing

● Some dental instruments may cause cuts if they aren’t used properly 

● Accidentally biting your gums during the growth of wisdom teeth

Some other causes that increase the risk of gum cuts

●   Periodontitis is a gum disease that impacts oral health, and it makes the gums more prone to cuts as Periodontitis leads to gum swelling and bleeding.

● A deficiency of some vitamins, such as vitamins B3, C, and D, can affect the health of your gums and make them more prone to cuts and injuries.

● Canker sores can weaken the gums and make them more prone to cuts, and these swollen sores form at the base of the gum.

● Braces can cause cuts in your gums

● Dentures cause gum cuts

● Mouthguards without the proper care can affect the health of the gums and cause infection that can lead to gum cuts

-Many gum cuts can be healed on their own, and you just need to know some simple steps about how to heal a cut on your gums correctly.

-Some cuts can be severe enough to need a dentist’s assessment.


-Now, we will discuss the main point of this article, which is how to heal a cut on your gums to get the best healing results.

How to heal a cut on your gums

How to heal a cut on your gums with a few steps

1-Stop the bleeding

-The first step of how to heal a cut on your gums is trying to stop the bleeding by applying a piece of paper towel or a clean cloth gently to the gums to stop the bleeding for 5 to 10 minutes.

-Then try to rinse your mouth with water to get rid of any debris sticking to the gum cut.

2- Rinse the mouth with salt water

-One of the steps to follow in how to heal a cut on your gums is rinsing with salt water.

Saltwater has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing.

-Saltwater is easy to use and it can be done at home.

-Make a solution of salt water by stirring a teaspoon of salt in a tumbler of warm water then drink this solution and swirl it in your mouth for several seconds to rinse the mouth.

-Repeat this process throughout the day up to 3 times, especially after meals, in a non-invasive and gentle way.

3-Modify your diet

-You can try some temporary changes to your diet to help your gum heal faster.

-Consuming soft foods and avoiding those that are spicy, hot, or citrus-based can help heal your gum, as these foods can aggravate the cuts on your gum.

-You also can try sucking on ice cubes as a way of how to heal a cut on your gums to soothe swelling and relieve discomfort. 

-To promote the healing of gum cuts, try to consume foods rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, and iron. 

– Vitamin C is a collagen synthesizer that is important for cut healing.

– Kale and broccoli are good sources of vitamin C and also vitamin K which plays a great role in blood clotting.

4-Using a cool compress

One of the steps on how to heal a cut in your gums is using a cool compress by putting a soft cloth under cool water and then applying this cloth to your gum cut for 20 minutes to decrease discomfort.


-How to heal a cut on your gums with medications?

-You can use some OTC pain medications to relieve discomfort and mild pain related to the cuts on your gums.

-You can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

-Consult your doctor before taking any medications to know the proper dosages.

-Some cases with gum cuts may suffer from cuts that won’t stop bleeding so they will need stitches.

-These stitches may dissolve on their own or may need to be removed by a dentist within a week.

-Your dentist may also prescribe a course of antibiotics that runs for 7 days at least.

-You must take the full prescription even if the gum infection improves.

How to heal a cut on your gums

What are the symptoms of gum cuts?

-If you want to know how to heal a cut on your gums properly, you need to know the symptoms you notice when you get a gum cut.

-When you get a gum cut, you will notice that your gums are likely to bleed a lot as this area has a high blood supply similar to lips areas and tongue.

-You can also notice some changes in the appearance of the gums, such as changes in texture and color.

Gum color:

-If you get a cut on your gums, that will cause swelling and redness in your gums.

-When the cut heals, the affected area may appear white temporarily, and it will clear up within a few days.


-Injury to the gums will make them swollen, and they will appear larger than before.

-The swollen area appears red and feels sore and tender.


-If your gum is infected, you may notice some of these symptoms:

● Pus coming out the gum cut

● Chills 

● Fever

● Increased swelling of the affected area

● red streaks emitting outward from the cut

● Pain getting worse

-If the infection worsens, you will notice these symptoms and need emergency care immediately.

-The symptoms will be:

● Difficulty swallowing fluids and foods

● Difficulty closing your mouth due to gum swelling 

● Breathing problems

How to heal a cut on your gums

Prevention of gum cuts

-After you know how to heal a cut on your gums correctly, you should know how to avoid getting gum cuts.

-You may eat a chip, cracker, pretzel, or any other hard food.

-Or you may use a toothpick or insert a pen into your mouth.

-All these habits can cause gum cuts, so we ask you to try to keep these things away from your mouth as much as possible.

-If you play any sport, using a mouthguard to prevent oral injuries is better.

-But you should carefully take care of the mouthguard hygiene to avoid infections.

What is the average healing time for gum cuts?

-After you know the steps of how to heal a cut on your gums properly, you should know that the healing time may differ from one person to another according to several factors such as overall oral health, the severity of the gum cut, individual healing capacity, age, and oral hygiene.

-Superficial abrasions or minor gum cuts may heal within 2 weeks, and deeper gum cuts may take longer time.


-Understanding how to heal a cut on your gums is very important to promote healing.

-It is important to choose gum-friendly foods, as we mentioned, maintain oral hygiene, and avoid hard foods to maintain your oral health.

-If you notice excessive bleeding or delayed healing, you must consult your dentist, as dentists evaluate the situation and provide the proper treatment.

-At the end of this article, we hope we have discussed all you need to know about how to heal a cut on your gums and how to prevent getting more gum cuts.

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