How to get rid of dog odor in car | 6 Excellent Methods 2024

How to get rid of dog odor in car methods




If you are a dog owner, then how to get rid of dog odor in car is something that will concern you a lot and you need different solutions for this.

Dog ownership has become increasingly popular in the United States, and it doesn’t look like its popularity will slow down anytime soon.

According to the 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey, 60 million of the 85 million pet-owning families in the United States have at least one dog in the home.

If you’re like many other Americans who own a dog, your furry friend has likely been in the car with you at some point.

For many dog ​​owners, driving with their dog in the car is not just a pleasure, but a necessity.

To know how to get rid of dog odor in car, you need to know that the dog’s odor is often caused by bacteria and yeast particles in your dog’s fur, particles that then evaporate into the air of the car or burrow into the fabric of the carpet and seats of your car.

Even worse are the dog’s urine odors, which can be particularly stubborn.

Effective odor elimination is about destroying or neutralizing the particles causing those bad odors, not just covering them up so they can come back later.

If you want to continue taking your dog with you on a trip without sacrificing the cleanliness of your car’s interior, continue reading this article to know how to get rid of dog odor in car in different ways.

How to get rid of dog odor in car

How to get rid of dog odor in car in different ways

1-Fresh air

The first simple step in how to get rid of dog odor in car is to know that the odor may seem worse if it’s in a car without fresh air circulation.

As simple as it sounds, roll down all the windows in the car and drive away.

A fresh breeze coming from different directions may be all it takes to remove the odor and freshen up your car.

Try this first and see how it goes, if the smell is still there, no problem, just keep reading to know more ways.

2-Getting rid of the dog’s fur

Before you start cleaning steps such as scrubbing and soaking, you’ll need to remove all the excess dog hair around your car. Ideally, this will include a handheld vacuum cleaner.

Be sure to get every part of the car such as floors, seats, dashboard, and seat backs – even these parts your dog may not sit on.

Dog hair tends to float around and get stuck in a lot of crannies and nooks, so your dog may not be in the driver’s seat during your travels, but it doesn’t mean the fur won’t end up there later.

So vacuum is an important step in getting rid of any unpleasant odor in your car.

How to get rid of dog odor in car

3-Car’s air filters

How to get rid of dog odor in car by changing the car’s air filters?

One of the most important steps to know how to get rid of dog odor is changing the air filters of your car.

Changing the air filters for your car may not concern you, like many people, but in reality, it is a very important matter to remove any unpleasant odor from your car.

The car’s air filters can filter out all polluted air in the car perfectly.

If you don’t change the air filters regularly, they will be clogged and won’t work well.

If you want to take your dog with you in the car, you should change the air filters after this trip to ensure that these filters aren’t clogged with any particles of your dog.

4-Using baking soda

Baking soda is one of the ways that can help you to know how to get rid of dog odor in car as it is known that baking soda can absorb any unwanted odors from your car without adding anything to it.

You can simply put a bowl of ¼

cup of baking soda on a central region in your car.

The best place for this is the middle of the dashboard.

Leave it overnight then come back in the morning to see its magic.

How to get rid of dog odor in car

5-Car shampoo

If you want to know how to get rid of dog odor in car easily, you should choose a shampoo that can handle the dog’s urine which causes the bad odor in the car. The car shampoo has some chemicals that can break down the chemical compounds of the dog’s urine.

6-White vinegar

How to get rid of dog odor in car with white vinegar?

White vinegar is an organic odor remover that can be mixed with water in equal parts, spray this mixture in every part of your car, wait for the mixture to be dried and then you will notice that the bad odor is gone.

It is important to leave the car windows down after spraying the mixture so the odor of the solution won’t get stuck in the car’s air filters.


After you know how to get rid of dog odor in car in different ways, you should know what can cause a bad odor for your dog.

How to get rid of dog odor in car


What can cause a bad odor for the dog?

1-Poor hygiene

Irregular grooming may cause your dog to develop an unpleasant odor. This is especially true if your pet has long hair that is not combed often.


A dog’s diet can also contribute to dog odors.

What your dog eats may cause it to emit an unpleasant odor. Make sure the dog has healthy eating habits.


All animals have dander, a collection of hair, skin cells, and other things that are shed from their bodies.

Dander contributes to dogs’ odors.

4-Anal glands

The dog has two small sacs, each one located on each side of the dog’s rectum.

These sacs contain pungent oil that is released when the dog defecates.

So you should wash the hair around the rectum continuously.



The odor of a dog in the car is something that bothers many people, so they are looking for how to get rid of dog odor in car in several ways.

How to get rid of dog odor in car is an important thing to know if you are a dog owner to be able to enjoy your drive with your beloved dog.

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