Homeopathic Medicine For Urinary Tract Infection | Best 16 medicines 2024


Homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection is widely used because it is safe and doesn’t have any side effects, so many people are looking for it.

This type of medicine has shown a significant role in curing urinary tract infections and stopping their recurrence.

Once you choose to be treated with homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection treatment, you will notice a reduced recurrence of urinary tract infection, and it may eventually stop.

The medical professional will ask you about your medical history, mental health, and work habits before prescribing the homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection as it may differ from one person to another.

Continue reading the following to learn more about homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection and its effects.

Homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection has a great effect on the body to fight urinary tract infection, whether it is chronic or acute.

Homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection

Here is a list of the best homeopathic medicines for urinary tract infection treatment:


It is one of the first choices as a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection for its effect.

It is best for a burning sensation that’s accompanied by urination (before, during, and after).

Also, urine that is passed in a few drops or scanty urine can be treated with cantharis.

Cantharis is best suited for 30c potency, and it is repeated twice per day.

2-Sarsaparilla Officinalis

A person with a urinary tract infection can feel intense burning when he finishes urinating. Here,  Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the best remedy choice for this symptom.

Sarsaparilla Officinalis can also be used with blood, pus urine, and scanty urine.

It can be used in 30c and taken up to 3 times per day, but not more.

Sarsaparilla Officinalis can be used in cases of stone formation or if the infection involves the kidneys, but this case needs a physician’s care.

3-Apis Mellifica

It is very effective for the burning sensation while urine is passing, especially the last urine drops.

It can also be helpful for an incomplete bladder emptying sensation, even if there is no more urine left in the bladder.

Sometimes, Apis Mellifica can be used in cases that have bloody urine and those who feel soreness in their abdomen.

The lack of thirst can be an indication of needing Apis Mellifica as a medication.

It is taken in low 30c and it is repeated only twice per day.

4-Nitric acid

Nitric acid is a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection treatment.

It is highly recommended for patients with highly offensive urine (foul-smelling).

It can be of low potency, and it is taken 2 times per day.

You can’t take higher potency without the permission of your physician.


It can be used as a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection treatment in women and can be used when they are going through menopause.

It can be prescribed for severe bladder pain, the bad urine smell, and when the urine flow is very weak.

Sepia can be helpful in chronic cystitis.

It gives the best results at low potency.

6-Nux Vomica

You will need Nux Vomica as a remedy when the irritable bladder has a constant need for urination.

Take it when you pass small amounts of urine.


Belladonna is a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection treatment, and it can be effective with these symptoms:

  • Decreasing urine output
  • Turbid and dark urine
  • Tendency for urinary retention
  • Dryness in vaginal areas
  • Dribbling of urine

Belladonna dosage differs according to many factors, so it is important to follow your physician’s instructions.

8-Clematis Erecta

Clematis Erecta can be used as a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection with many symptoms.

A person who has a frequent need to urinate and has low urine output can use Clematis Erecta.

It is also effective with interrupted urine flow, itching pain in the urethra, and itching in the genitals.

The physician may prescribe Clematis Erecta if you have forthy or milky urine.

9-Borax Veneta

Borax Veneta has a great effect in these cases:

  • The pungent smell of urine
  • Passing hot urine
  • Soreness in the urethra after urination
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Itching sensations in the genitals

Some other examples of homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection treatment


It can be effective in cases who suffer from severe, painful urination, which is described as a hot sensation.


Berberis can be used with shooting or burning pain during urination, and this pain can radiate to the back or pelvis.


It is a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection as it can be helpful for patients who have to urinate frequently, especially during the night, and who pass large amounts of urine.


It can be used as a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection as this remedy is suitable for patients who have an urgent desire to urinate, especially after coughing, laughing, sneezing, or being surprised.


If your cystitis is accompanied by mild but irritating pain and a feeling of fullness in your bladder, even after urinating, this treatment may be helpful. The urgency and discomfort are most severe when the bladder has been emptied recently and improve over time as the bladder becomes fuller.

6-Arnica Montana

Arnica is useful in the treatment of cystitis that follows bruised perineal injuries. Therefore, it is suitable for postpartum urinary tract problems. There may be some difficulty emptying the bladder and involuntary dribbling.


Colibacillinum is used as a homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection in those who tested positive for Escherichia Coli.

It used for these symptoms:

  • Urge to pass urine
  • Scanty urine
  • Pain sensation while passing urine
  • Urine smells bad.
  • Blood in urine

Colibacillinum is used at low potency once a day.

Homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection

Some information about urinary tract infections and their types: 

Urinary tract infection is an infection of the urinary system by some kind of bacteria, which is mostly Escherichia Coli but other bacteria can cause this infection too.

The types of urinary tract infections are:

  • Pyelonephritis: This refers to a kidney infection.
  • Cystitis: This refers to a bladder infection.
  • Urethritis: This refers to a urethra infection.

Women are more likely to have urinary tract infections than men due to their anatomical features.

Homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection

Symptoms of bladder urinary tract infection:

1- Pain during urination

2- You always need to urinate, but without passing a large amount of urine.

3- Urine is cloudy and has a foul odor.

4- You may see blood in the urine.

5- Pelvic pain in women

6- Rectal pain in men

Symptoms of a kidney infection are: 





5-Lower back pain

What are the common risk factors for urinary tract infections? 

  • Sexual activity
  • You have a previous UTI.
  • Menopause
  • Spermicides can cause changes in the bacteria living inside the vagina.
  • Pregnancy
  • Age
  • Poor hygiene
  • Enlarged prostate or kidney stones
  • Some diseases, such as diabetes, can affect the immune system and suppress it.
  • Catheter use

You can reduce the symptoms of a urinary tract infection by following these nutritional steps: 

Although you can reduce the symptoms of UTI by using homeopathic medicine for urinary tract treatment, you also need to change your lifestyle.

1. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas, and avoid sweetened drinks.

2. Blueberries and cranberries:

They contain some substances that can inhibit bacteria from binding to the bladder tissue.

3. Avoid dairy foods, wheat, corn, preservatives, and food additives.

4. Consume high-fiber food.

5. Consume antioxidant-rich foods such as tomatoes and cherries.

6. Avoid white bread and pasta.

7. Depend on olive oil or coconut oil in your food.

8. Avoid coffee, tobacco, and alcohol.

9. Exercise a lot—at least 30 minutes every day for 5 days per week.

10. Be sure to get high levels of vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex vitamins.

11-Omega-3 fatty acids and probiotic consumption can help reduce urinary tract infection symptoms.


Complications of urinary tract infection:

If the urinary tract infection is treated properly, it won’t lead to any problems.

But if it is left untreated, it can cause serious health problems.

The complications of a urinary tract infection include:

  • You will be more exposed to getting one or more UTI infections, especially women, who are more prone to having repeated urinary tract infections.
  • If a UTI happens during pregnancy, that will lead to the delivery of a premature infant.
  • Kidney infection can lead to kidney damage if UTI is untreated.
  • In men, repeated UTIs can lead to a narrowed urethra.
  • Sepsis happens when the infection reaches the kidneys, and it is a life-threatening complication.


Urinary tract infection is common among many people, and although it is a simple problem and can be treated easily, if left untreated, it will cause serious health problems and may become life-threatening.

There are many ways to treat the symptoms of a urinary tract infection, including the use of homeopathic medicine for urinary tract infection treatment.

This is why knowing the symptoms and explaining them to the doctor is important so that he can determine what is appropriate for treatment and get results quickly.

At the end of the article, we hope that we have clarified all sufficient information for you to use as a reference in case you have a urinary tract infection.

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