Best Natural Home Remedies For Whooping Cough 2024

Simple home remedies for whooping cough



whooping cough is a very contagious respiratory bacterial infection. The causative agent here is a bacteria called Bordetella Pertussis. The most susceptible age group is infants and young children more than older people. The infection is transmitted through inhalation of contaminated air droplets from an infected person. Home remedies for whooping cough are many and many people prefer to use it. Treatment of pertussis at home is possible, especially for adults and early cases. doctors prescribe antibiotics and other symptoms-relieving medications to treat whooping cough.

Home remedies for whooping cough

Simple home remedies for whooping cough

Thyme, oregano, honey, ginger, lemon, and garlic have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help the symptoms relieve. moreover, it’s recommended to include food rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your diet. Here are some great home remedies for whooping cough:


Honey is considered one of the most commonly used home remedies for whooping cough.  Many researches show that honey has a huge ability to reduce the intensity of coughs and improve sleep nature. Also good for reducing throat pain and discomfort.  it has been noticed that giving younger than 1-year-old infants honey exposes them to botulism infection.


Ginger reduces airway inflammation. Ginger is good at fighting many respiratory infections, such as whooping cough, soak the ginger roots in hot water and add lemon and honey, or make fresh apple ginger juice.


 it is a traditional remedy for coughs; eating garlic is known to strengthen immunity due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics. eating garlic could help in dissolving thick secretions and mucus, work as a good mucus expectorant, and relieve coughing. Be careful of developing gastritis after eating raw garlic on an empty stomach. Children may not be able to use this remedy.

Peppermint oil

A natural remedy for pertussis. mix a few drops of peppermint oil with warm water and inhale to relieve coughs and colds symptoms. Peppermint oil contains menthol that has a refreshing effect and helps in opening air passages to make breathing easier. It also helps dissolve mucus, encourages its coming out, and relieves coughing episodes.


The WHO suggests using onion extract for treating the common cold and cough. Onion has antibacterial properties that support the immunity against the infection. 

Green tea

Green tea extract possesses antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It helps in fighting the bacteria causing pertussis. Try to drink green tea at least two times every day. Green tea also has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects helps to reduce throat sore.

To get the most out of green tea, soak the tea bag in hot water for a few minutes, and it would be a great idea to add honey for extra calming benefits.


Turmeric also has antiviral and antibacterial properties which is beneficial in the treatment of whooping cough. It is also considered a good cough therapy and is more effective when consumed before bedtime. Combine ground turmeric with untreated honey to make this magical healing mixture.

You also can consume it with a cup of warm milk and consume it at least two times daily to relieve the severe symptoms.

Thyme, oregano

Considered one of the most important home remedies for whooping cough. Its extract” thymol” is used in manufacturing many cough medications. Besides its cough-soothing effect, it has expectorant and antimicrobial properties that would be of great help in fighting whooping cough bacteria.

Vitamins intake

Vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin D are a traditional home remedy for coughs. It’s important to take them especially in winter and during infections to support overall immunity. Vitamin C can be found easily in lemon, orange, guava, and colored pepper.

Stay hydrated

Make sure to continue drinking lots of fluid and water to help calm the throat and prevent dehydration.

humidifier, steam vaporizer

Using a mist humidifier can assist in dissolving mucus and calming the severe cough.


Saltwater has an important role in combatting the existing bacteria. It helps dissolve mucus and secretions and relieve the pain felt with whooping cough. put salt in warm water, mix, and rinse your mouth with it as much as possible, typically every 3 hours.

Home remedies for whooping cough

Whooping cough full recovery instructions

besides natural home remedies for whooping cough, it’s crucial to:

  • Consult your physician and Follow instructions when taking antibiotics and whooping cough medications.
  • Make sure to clear up triggers in your house that cause coughing such as; cigarette fumes, dust particles, excessive perfumes, and odor or toxic gases.
  • Use a fresh, cool mist humidifier or steam vaporizer to dissolve mucus and calm the cough.
  • Consume a small amount of meals and fruits regularly to avoid vomiting.
  • Consume variable fluids in adequate amounts, such as water, juices, and hot drinks like lemon and ginger mixed with honey.

The guidelines to follow after the treatment

These guidelines include

  • stop drinking, bathing, or washing with very cold water while trying the mentioned home remedies.
  • Get used to using or drinking warm water for more advantages.
  • stop the consumption of cold food or beverages such as ice cream or carbonated beverages.

The recovery duration for whooping cough

Coughing does not stop abruptly and it may take a few weeks or even 6 months for some kids to fully recover. The intensity and severity of the disease condition determine the duration and speed of recovery.

It is important to identify the causative agents and triggers for any other needed treatment while using home remedies for whooping cough. Make sure to take flu vaccination and all precautions to avoid catching cold and immunity suppression.

prevent re-infection with whooping cough

in addition to whooping cough vaccination, additional at-home preventative measures include:

  • keep regular handwashing and personal hygiene, like; covering the nose during coughs and sneezes.
  • Spread community awareness about the importance of vaccination and aware people of the symptoms of pertussis.
  • Isolation of infected people to avoid close contact with other people, particularly during the catarrhal phase, especially young children and infants until they have finished a five-day course of antibiotic treatment till completing the course of antibiotic and medication.

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