Acupuncture For Iritis And Best Use Of It In 2024

Acupuncture for iritis and what its effect is



Iritis is a very annoying problem that affects the eye health of many people, so acupuncture for iritis may be an excellent solution to the eye inflammation problem.

-Some people were skeptical about the effectiveness of acupuncture for iritis to show any result. Still, a small study by the University of Vienna proved that acupuncture can give good results for the treatment of iritis, as some patients with recurrent iritis were treated with acupuncture successfully.

-In this study, the patients treated with acupuncture had a noticeable deficiency in eye pain after treatment with acupuncture.

-In this study, laser-powered instrumentation was used to prove the effect of acupuncture on iritis as acupuncture decreased inflammation and pain and increased visual acuity.

-Continue reading to know more about acupuncture for iritis and how it is used to give the best results.

Let’s talk first about iritis and its symptoms.

Acupuncture for iritis

What is iritis?

-Iritis is inflammation of the pupil, which is the colored ring around the eye’s pupil.

-Iritis is located in the anterior of the uvea, so iritis is known as anterior uveitis.

-Iris is responsible for how much light enters the pupil (the opening in the center), so you can see clearly.

-Iris makes the pupil larger in dim light and smaller in bright light.

-Iritis if it is left untreated, can lead to glaucoma or even vision loss.

The symptoms of iritis

● Severe eye pain

● Redness of eyes 

● Blurry vision 

● Headache

● Light sensitivity 

● Abnormally shaped pupil

● Tearing

Acupuncture for iritis

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture for iritis is explained by Traditional Chinese medicine as a mechanism for balancing energy flow known as qi or chi, and Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners suppose that the human body has many acupuncture points that are more than 2,000 points connected by specific pathways.

-This energy flows through pathways called meridians in the body.

-Acupuncture means inserting very metallic, solid, thin needles through your skin at certain points on the body.

-These needles are activated through electric stimulation or specific movements of the practitioner’s hands can stimulate acupuncture points.

-Inserting these thin needles into the specific points along meridians makes acupuncture practitioners believe that energy flow will rebalance.

-Some Western practitioners believe that the acupuncture points are the places to stimulate connective tissue, muscles, and nerves.

-This stimulation is believed to boost the body’s painkillers.

Acupuncture for iritis and what its effect is

Acupuncture for iritis can improve symptoms of iritis as acupuncture can boost visual acuity, decrease excessive tearing, heal swollen and redden eyes, reduce sensitivity to light, and reduce blurred vision and eye floaters.

-Acupuncture can reduce eye pressure, so it will be effective in treating glaucoma that may happen if iritis is left untreated

Acupuncture for iritis

Acupuncture points around the eyes to be involved in the treatment of iritis

-If you choose to depend on acupuncture for iritis and want to know how it will happen, these are the points on your body where the acupuncture needles are being inserted:


-This point is located in the inner corner of your eye, and Jingming means bright eyes.

-Jingming is thought to bring blood and Qi to your eyes, so it will help in the treatment of eye problems such as iritis, conjunctivitis, night blindness, cataracts, and blurred vision.


-This point is located next to the nose, along the inner area of the eye.

-Zanzhu point is the main point if the patient complains of eye pain, blurred vision, redness, headache, and glaucoma.


YUYAO point is located in the middle of the eyebrow, right above the pupil.

-This point effectively treats many eye problems, such as cloudiness of the cornea, redness, swelling, eye strain, and eyelid twitching.

4-Sizhukong(SJ 23)

-Sizhukong point is located away from the eye, at the end tip of the eyebrow.

-This point can help with many eye problems such as eye pain, headache, redness, eye toothache, and blurred vision.

5-Tongzillia(GB 1)

-The Tongzillia point is located on the outside corner of the eye.

-Manipulation of Tongzillia point can help in the treatment of light sensitivity, headache, dry eyes, redness, eye pain, and conjunctivitis.

6-Cheng QI

-This point is located in the center of the eye area and under the eyes directly.

-This point can help relieve eye swelling, redness, and symptoms of conjunctivitis.

How to massage acupuncture points to relieve eye problems?

-If you are suffering from eye issues such as irritation, blurred vision, headache, or dry eyes, you might wonder if massage of the acupuncture points of the eyes can improve eye health.

-There is little research.

-However, some believe that massage acupuncture for iritis points of the eyes may provide some relief for some eye conditions.

-The acupuncture for iritis points is also known as acupoints or trigger points.

-Rather than using needles, you can massage these points with your fingers, or you can go to someone who is a specialist in acupuncture therapy.

-Here are some massage techniques to maintain your eye health:

1-Third eye:

-Massaging the third eye point can help to reduce stress and headaches and relax your eye.

-Third eye massage can improve eye circulation and relax eye muscles.

How to do it?

● Put your ring finger between the eyebrows

● Massage third eye area gently in a circular motion

● Continue massage for 10 minutes 

2-Nostrils point:

This massage can relieve headaches, eye strain, and nasal congestion.

How to do it?

● Put the index fingers on the sides of the nose

● Press gently 

● Massage for 5 minutes 

3-Bridge of the nose:

Massage of this area can help relieve eye strain, redness, and stress.

How to do it?

● Put the thumbs on the bridge of the nose, close to the inner eyes corner, below the eyebrows

● Apply gentle pressure while closing your eyes

● Massage for 10 minutes 

4-Edge of the eyes:

Massaging the edge of the eyes can help improve blurred vision.

How to do it?

● Place the index finger on the inner corner of the eyes

● Apply pressure gently while closing your eyes

● Continue massage for 5 minutes 


Massage of this point can improve circulation and reduce headaches.

How to do it?

● Put the index fingers on the cheekbones

● Apply pressure gently 

● Massage for 5 minutes 


Massaging of this point can relieve under-eye puffiness.

How to do it?

● Put the index finger on the outer corner of the eye, over the cheekbone

● Apply pressure gently 

● Massage for 5 minutes 

Acupuncture for iritis

Benefits of acupuncture for iritis and improving eye health

1-Relieve tension

Massaging the acupuncture points can help in relieving tension that is happening due to dryness.

2-Relax the eyes

Long screen time can lead to eye fatigue so massage of acupuncture for iritis points can relieve this.

3-Improve vision problems

Massage of the acupuncture points can improve blurred vision.

4-Can help with glaucoma

Iritis can lead to glaucoma, so massage of these points can help in the treatment of glaucoma.

What are the risks of acupuncture?

If you have iritis and want to get acupuncture for iritis as a treatment to relieve some symptoms, then you should choose a qualified professional to perform acupuncture. 

FDA(Food And Drug Administration) regulates needles for acupuncture.

The agency said the acupuncture needles should be non-toxic, solid, steel, sterile, and properly labelled, and only acupuncture professionals can use these needles.

Acupuncture practitioners should throw out the used needles after one use.

Using non-sterile needles or using them more than one time is very harmful as it can lead to CNS(Central Nervous System) injuries, infections, and organ punctures.

How long does it take for acupuncture for iritis to work?

There is no specific time to get results from acupuncture for iritis as this depends on several factors, such as the patient’s condition, pain level, and symptoms.

It will take a longer time to respond to acupuncture if you have been suffering from iritis for a long time.

In general, you may need numerous acupuncture sessions to see good results, but usually, you can notice some good results in 3 to 4 days.

And as we said, that may differ from one patient to another according to some factors.

Do acupuncture needles hurt?

Acupuncture needles are much thinner than any medical needles, so you may feel a small prick with the insertion of each needle.

Acupuncture needles sometimes cause tingling.

The acupuncture professional will ask you if you feel numbness or a deep heaviness to ensure the treatment is working.


The eye is a very sensitive organ in the human body, so if you are exposed to an injury, you should not neglect it and look for a quick treatment for it. One of the most common eye problems that occurs to many people is iritis which one of the ways to treat is

acupuncture for iritis as it can give you the best results if it is 

used by acupuncture professionals.

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